The critical legal advice you need for your elder life decisions
Elder law is a specialized area of law practice that focuses on issues facing people who are advancing in age or who want to plan for their elder years and end-of-life care. Elder law attorneys perform a range of targeted services. They create estate plans that preserve wealth, establish trusts to provide security and income for family members with special needs, draft legal instruments to shield assets from estate and other taxes, help to ensure eligibility for Medicaid, and guarantee property and other assets are distributed precisely as their client instructs.

There is an actual certification for attorneys specializing in elder law
A Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA) achieves that designation only after demonstrating exceptional professional commitment to the study and practice of law relating to the needs of elders and people with special needs. This certification is also recognized by the American Bar Association.
CELA designation means your Elder Law Attorney:
- has successfully completed additional training and rigorous testing,
- established a years-long record of elder law practice,
- won the recommendation of other elder law practitioners as a skilled elder law attorney, and
- is recognized in their community as a person of integrity and good character.
This certification is achieved through the attorney’s membership and compliance with strict NELF standards, the National Elder Law Foundation.
Consider seeking out a CELA (Certified Elder Law Attorney) for all your legal needs.